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what happens after graduate school...

graduate school....complete! BOOM.

in May myself, Charlie Maybee-Ferrell, and Mauriah Donegan Kraker graduated from UIUC as the newest crop of Dance MFAs. Since then, Mauriah and I have begun touring our duet ARMAGEDDON OR SUNRISE OR SOMETHING and I've made the move to Brooklyn with my sweetie and our three legged pitbull (pictured here, you're welcome):

thanks for the photo Talya Klein!

Over the summer I shot a new film with Anna Barker/ back in North Carolina, taught and performed a new solo at an amazing queer summer dance intensive called Excessive Realness in Colorado, co-led a workshop and performed with Mauriah in Miami through the indomitable Ivonne Batanero's Greedy Pumpkin Head Projects, and started figuring out what this next chapter of my life might look like.


Starting in mid-September I'll be teaching at the Rioult Dance Center in Long Island City, Queens. Regular Professional level class on Tuesday mornings 10-12am. Come get sweaty with me!



As other teaching things fall into place I'll try to post here, or on Facebook. Until then, be well everyone and enjoy the end of summer!

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